Friday, April 17, 2009

Application and What to Expect Next

Remember, as a police officer you will be doing this type of work on a daily basis, it is called paperwork! Your duties require you to be truthful and detailed. This is the start point.

You have completed all portions of the initial application and supplied any attachments that have been requested. You should include a resume with the initial application as this will give you an opportunity to make a dynamic first impression. If you are straight out of college and do not have much work experience, still include a resume with your accomplishments. There are many styles and methods for creating a resume and I will let you research that area as each person will have different styles.

TIP: If you are not sure of something, ASK!! At this point you need to make sure that you follow directions and when it may be confusing or you have a question, call and ask for clarification.

TIP: Review your application then have a friend or relative review it as well. This is a proofread. Your spelling and handwriting must be correct and legible. Remember this is your first impression you are giving to you potential future employer, it would not be looked upon favorably to have misspelled words, incomplete areas, or omitted documents on this application.

Now that you have the application completed you must send it in or drop it off in person. Again, follow the instructions that are given for the application process. It has been my experience that most initial applications are mailed to an address provided on the job notification. I keep the application and supporting documents in a large envelope and so not send folded in a standard size envelope. This may seem like a trivial detail, but it keeps the application and accompanying documents flat and will be easier to handle by the recipient. Sometimes it may be the little things that may get noticed and may give you the slight edge needed. The application process for a law enforcement position is extremely competitive and you need to take every step to get noticed.

Ensure your application will arrive at the required destination prior to the closing date. Late applications will usually not be accepted. Send the application and wait for a reply. The waiting is the hardest part and the most part of what you will be doing. It is a good idea to send the application in a manner that will allow for some type confirmation of receipt. Remember that when you send a letter through any type of delivery medium, there is the risk of losing the letter. Make sure you are comfortable with your choice. Remember to KEEP COPIES of all your paperwork!

Now that your application is delivered there is a process that will be followed. There are at least two possibilities now.

1. You already have the invite for further testing including dates, times, and information on the entire process. Thus you can follow the instructions provided.

2. You will receive an invitation to continue in the process.

Remember that each department will have different hiring processes so pay attention to the details.

Next time I will touch on the written test, physical agility, and oral boards.

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